Gospels of Installing Outdoor Security Cameras

When it comes to installing security cameras, experts maintain some guidelines. Now, these guidelines vary with the type of cameras to be installed. In other words, the guidelines differ depending upon whether you like to install them outdoors or indoor. Here is a brief discussion on the subject. The thumb rule of installing outdoor cameras The cameras have to be installed at least 8/10 feet above the ground: This is the height that has to be maintained while installing the outdoor cams, as this is the ideal height which will let the eyes of the cams capture the finest details. At the same time, it is high enough to be out of reach of the miscreants unless they are hulks. Pointing the cams directly towards the sun is a strict NO-NO: The bright glare of lights backed by high contrasts will ruin the images and it will make it hard for the viewers to ascertain the proceedings captured. Thus, it is important that the pros carrying out security camera installation in Melbourne wo...